- Superior National Conservatory Tchaïkovsky of Moscow: Graduated with the highest distinction in interpretation, pedagogy, chamber music and accompaniment
- Central Music Academy of Moscow for gifted children (started playing piano from the age of 4)
- Concerts and festivals in numerous countries in Europe and North America: Wiener Konzerthaus in Austria, Salle Cortot in Paris, concert Room of the Tchaïkovsky Conservatory of Moscow and Fine Arts Palace of Brussels
- Projects with the National Orchestra of Belgium, Moravia (Czech Republic) and Chamber Ochestra of Praha
- Accompanist for renowned competitions like the International Music Competition Queen Elisabeth of Belgium, and the International Competition Yehudi Menuhin in the UK
- Accompanist of Master Classes and Concerts for teachers Igor Oïstrakh, Viktor Tretiakov
- Jury member of several International Competitions
- Great pedagogical experience, especially teaching at the Royal Music Conservatory of Brussels
- French, Russian, English
Nataliya Chepurenko
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